How Is a Solder Pick Used in Jewelry Making?
A solder pick is a small, pointed instrument designed to help you move solder into place. Be careful not to get the metal too near the flame, or it will melt. Also, take care not to fuse the solder to the solder pick. However, titanium and tungsten solder picks have a tendency to resist solder. Tungsten burns at a higher temperature and is recommended for soldering platinum.
A soldering pick can be made out of a piece of dowel with the eye end of a big sewing needle stuck in the end. It's great for moving small pieces of solder to just the right place. A pick can also be used to pick up molten solder to put it where its needed.
If you want to buy one, Amazon has numerous styles of titanium solder picks available on their website. They even come with cool, colored handles.
Soldering Pick Recommendations
Megan Coward, Graduate Jeweler Gemologist, GIA, Graduate Gemologist
Megan Coward is a graduate of the GIA with Graduate Jeweler Gemologist and Graduate Gemologist accreditations. She has 20+ years in the retail jewelry industry in various roles including as a diamond buyer and gemstone appraiser.
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