Can Wearing Gems That Touch Your Skin Improve Your Health?
Will wearing gems that touch the skin of your finger bring you health benefits? Before you buy any ring stone, learn what you should consider first.
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Answer: If you're thinking of wearing gems on a ring for health reasons, or any reason, you first need to consider the stones' durability, the jewelry setting, and your own comfort.
Wearing Gems for Health?
Picking and wearing gems are personal matters. I've read several books on using gems for health and meditation purposes. I wouldn't recommend any in particular. You'll find just conflicting information and personal opinions in these sources.
Make Sure Your Gemstone and Setting are up to the Rigors of Everyday Wear
For a wedding ring, I think it's best first to find a gem that appeals to you personally for whatever reason. Next, make sure it's durable enough for everyday wear as a ring stone. Stones with a Mohs hardness of 7 or higher — like rubies, sapphires, and diamonds — make great choices. Softer gemstones, like opals and pearls, will require extra care and protective ring settings.
Of course, check your budget. Be prepared for some surprises as you do this research. You'll easily find expensive engagement ring gemstones. However, you can also discover beautiful rare gems that are surprisingly affordable as well as gems readily available in big, bold sizes.
Wearing a Ring Stone Against Your Skin Might Hurt
As for wearing gems that actually touch the skin of your finger, that's not a common practice. You actually might have a hard time finding a shank that will allow a set stone to actually come into direct contact with your finger.
Most people feel it's enough just to have the gems in close proximity to their body.
Keep in mind that if you're considering a faceted gem as a ring stone, the part touching your finger would be a sharp point! Wearing a faceted gem this way would be pretty uncomfortable, enough to overcome any other possible benefit. The sweat and oil from your skin may also adversely affect the beauty and performance of the gem.
Donald Clark, CSM IMG
International Gem Society
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